“Anyone with a nose for genuine rock’n’roll already knows that Fat White Family are plainly the most exciting, influential and talked-about band to come out of this country in the last few years,” – Domino Records boss Laurence Bell.
Emerging from Brixton’s squatland in 2011, the Fat White Family (Lias Saoudi, Saul Adaczewski & Nathan Saudi) garnered critical and public adulation for their mixture of rock and roll, post-punk, death-disco and nihilistic psychedelia, recalling famous bands such as The Fall, Butthole Surfers & Throbbing Gristle. Famous for their extremely charged and unforgettable gigs, as well as their uninhibited rock & roll lifestyle, they are set to release their third album “Serfs Up” this April.
From a “Fat White Family DJ Set” you can expect frontman Lias spinning everything from Funkadelic to Kilburn and the Highroads, Abba to Gabba, Hard and Soft Boiled pop classics, 90s dance hits, loads of odd garage stuff, electro & gleefully pernicious country music.