Black Door’s Isolation Inspiration

Black Door’s Isolation Inspiration

Black Door is lifting it’s weary head from the lockdown doldrums to offer you some #IsolationInspiration. Our suggestions will in some way be related to us and our beloved roster of artists, DJs, writers and performers and should assist in some small way to see you through the next few days, weeks or months…

Brick Lane's Beigel Bake

So we begin with a short documentary entitled “Beigels Already” that you really ought to watch (click the pic above or available via AEON.CO). Filmed in 1992 by Debbie Shuter at the all night Beigel shop on Brick Lane, it offers a fascinating glimpse into the east-end’s characters, nightlife and fashion over 25 years ago. Our office is based just down the road from this legendary London establishment and we would give anything to queue in such close proximity without a care whilst stuffing down a salt beef beigel after a night out on the tiles.